The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)
The clockwork fortress that manifested itself in the far reaches of snow-swept Dravania did bear an uncanny resemblance to the great steel giant sung of in the legends of the Hotgo, an Auri tribe hailing from far across the sea. Inspired by this tragic tale of a mechanical god who placed his trust in a single mortal soul, the wandering minstrel spreads the proverbial wings of imagination and takes flight, weaving an impassioned ballad of hope and despair profound. – FFXIV description
TEA Unlock
After completing Eden’s Gate: Sepulture (Savage), speak with the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane (X:11.6 Y:12.6) as a level 80 Disciple of War or Magic.
The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate) can only be accessed via the Raid Finder after forming a party of eight players who have all completed Eden’s Gate: Sepulture (Savage).
Text Guides

Lyra’s Raid Strategy Guide
FFXIV The Epic of Alexander raid Strategy Guide
Video Guides
The Epic of Alexander Guide/Walkthrough – Ilya Dalaminiq
Living Liquid
Brute Justice and Cruise Chaser
Perfect Alexander
Resources and Documents
- Comprehensive Toolbox
- Timelines and Spreadsheets